The Little Prince Summary, it is a novella written and illustrated by French aristocrat, writer, and military pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It was first published in English and French in the United States by Reynal & Hitchcock in April 1943 and was published posthumously in France following liberation; Saint-Exupéry's works had been banned by the Vichy Regime.
The story follows a young prince who visits various planets, including Earth, and addresses themes of loneliness, friendship, love, and loss. Despite its style as a children's book, The Little Prince makes observations about life, adults, and human nature.
The Little Prince became Saint-Exupéry's most successful work, selling an estimated 140 million copies worldwide, which makes it one of the best-selling in history. The book has been translated into over 505 different languages and dialects worldwide, being the second most translated work ever published, trailing only the Bible. The Little Prince has been adapted to numerous art forms and media, including audio recordings, radio plays, live stage, film, television, ballet, and opera.
The Little Prince Book Summary |
The Little Prince Summary
The story tries to focus on the deep gap between the thinking of children and the thinking of adults, in a sometimes ironic philosophical style, and in a way that makes the reader realize that he means it himself, when he tells him the fact that he renounces his childhood and runs away from it to pursue a mirage that is the mirage of maturity and aging, he leaves the most important things, love, fantasy and the real details that make humans human, to realize the world that understands only the language of numbers.
The story begins with a drawing of a snake wrapping around some monster trying to swallow it, where the writer then talks about forests and how giant snakes wrap around their prey and swallow it whole, then spend months in hibernation so that they can digest it, and here the writer takes the child's imagination, draws a snake that has swallowed an elephant, and starts showing his drawing to adults, who thinks it's a hat and advises him to leave drawing and head to study something useful, and here the knot begins in the tale
The boy grows up to become a pilot, without leaving the drawing of the snake and the elephant, which he used to show to everyone who got to know him to test his knowledge and understanding, if he answered that he was a snake and an elephant, he would see a real friend in him, and if he answered that it was just a hat, he would talk to him with boring adult conversations.
One day his plane crashes in the desert, and while he is also surprised to see a small boy wearing strange clothes similar to the clothes of princes, the boy comes up to him and says to him without preamble: draw me a sheep, the pilot is surprised to talk, so the boy returned the request on hearing, so he drew him several sheep, none of which he liked, until he got tired of him and drew him a box and told him that the sheep is inside, and here the Prince admired the drawing a lot and began to ask him about the need of the sheep for grass.
The little prince told the pilot about his story, that he lives on one of the planets that is no larger than the size of an ordinary house, and how there are large trees growing on his planet and he has to uproot them periodically so as not to destroy the planet, and he told him sadly about the red rose on his planet, the Rose he loved very much and put his effort and time to meet her requests and trying to satisfy her ego, so sometimes she wants to build her a fence to protect her from the wind, and sometimes she wants to feed her, and sometimes she shows in front of him with thorns.
Then the little prince talks about the many planets that he passed through during his journey, describes what they look like and describes their rulers, who, by the way, are all adults, adults who are exactly like the adults living in the world of the pilot, tells the story of the Fox, the story of the snake and the flower Grove that he saw.
The prince and the pilot become friends over time, and the pilot relates to this little boy, who is possessed by surprise and passion for everything, and then the prince leaves him to return to his homeland, refraining from telling this story to anyone, until six years have passed and he begins to tell it to us, wondering about the condition of the little prince and the state of his flower now.
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synopsis of the little prince by antoine de saint exupery |
the little prince synopsis |
the little prince plot summary |
The Little Prince Book Summary |
Questions about The Little Prince Plot
What is the short summary of The Little Prince?
The Little Prince is an honest and beautiful story about loneliness, friendship, sadness, and love. The prince is a small boy from a tiny planet (an asteroid to be precise), who travels the universe, planet-to-planet, seeking wisdom. On his journey, he discovers the unpredictable nature of adults.
What is the main point of The Little Prince?
The Little Prince teaches that the responsibility demanded by relationships with others leads to a greater understanding and appreciation of one's responsibilities to the world in general. The story of the prince and his rose is a parable (a story that teaches a lesson) about the nature of real love.
What actually happened to The Little Prince at the end?
In the end, “The Little Prince” is a story about a suicide. What else is it that the little prince does in the desert, if not self-sacrifice? He dies for a rose, a fragile sentimental flower on his tiny planet that he fell in love with as a child.
What is the conflict of the Little Prince?
Major conflict The childlike perspectives of the prince and, to some extent, those of the narrator are in conflict with the stifling beliefs of the adult world. Rising action After he believes he has been spurned by his rose, the prince travels to neighboring planets and eventually lands on Earth.
Is The Little Prince Based on a true story?
though the story of the Little Prince and his voyages among the planets is clearly fiction, Saint-Exupéry's own experiences as a pilot helped inspire that tale.
Is The Little Prince a sad story?
Parents who know Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's novella will remember that The Little Prince is in parts a very sad story, but the messages are still beautiful and powerful.
Is the ending of the Little Prince happy or sad?
The ending of The Little Prince is super sad. There's no two ways about that. The prince has left the Earth—it looked like he died when the snake bit him, but his body is nowhere to be found. The narrator's made it out of the desert, but that seems like small potatoes compared to wondering what happened to the prince.
Why did the little prince love the rose?
Although the rose is, for the most part, vain and naïve, the prince still loves her deeply because of the time he has spent watering and caring for her.
What are symbols in the Little Prince?
After analyzing The Little Prince novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupery the researcher found five major symbols. They are Desert, Stars, Baobabs, Water, and Rose.
Why does the snake bite the little prince?
The snake bites him because the Prince believes it will help him to get back to his planet.
Why was the pilot sad at the end of the little prince?
By the time the little prince finishes the story of his travels, the pilot has been stranded in the desert for eight days and has run out of water. He is too worried that he will die of thirst to want to hear any more about the prince or the fox.
What does the fox symbolize in The Little Prince?
If the prince and the fox tame each other, they will then become so much more important to one another. The prince will no longer be just an ordinary boy while the fox will no longer be just an ordinary fox. This conversation with the fox symbolizes the importance and at times the necessity of human connections.
What is the reflection of The Little Prince?
The Little Prince probes the deepest meanings of love and life, sometimes obviously, sometimes subtly—but always, at the core of the work they remain like lit lamps in the darkness. It is these brilliant pinpricks of light that exist as counterpoints to the fall from imagination most adults eventually suffe.